Saturday, April 12, 2008

Just a trip down memory lane

This is KRKA National Park, Croatia July, 2007

Pretty freak'in Awsome.

Just thought I would throw that in .

life is ducky, all is well and i really enjoy seeing places like this, I am looking forward to finally be in theUS as th rest of world is starting to look llike every place i want to be at in the States.....So i am going to give the new promotion a few months and see how it feels , but my heart is set on coming back to the motherland and building a house (log house) kit in Arkansas..Arkansas you say, thats right! in the south and i really like the south, probably because in was born in Georgia. So thats a plan I will try and complete while I am here, then I want to travel around trying to pedal cool stuff and checking out the country and all the great events that everyone talks about but I never seem to experience.

I hope that i can see everyone soon, june and sept are my next liasons with the americanas, I will be in Oregon for Erins Graduation, as will Serena....if you all want to make your way that a way great, if not then i understand, but i will be there from june 3rd till june 16th......then BYE BYE BURDIE~DICK.....

Resturant in Trogir, Croatia
So here are a couple more photos of random crap and my free willie lifestyle.....

Trogir, Croatia at dusk


Da' Dawg

Love ya'